Venice Canals Association

Get Involved

The work of protecting and enhancing the Venice Canals, and all of our wonderful Canal events, are made possible thanks to the contributions of our members and volunteers.

We invite you to join us today.

Become a Member

Since 1976, the Venice Canals Association (VCA) has continued to faithfully serve our unique Canals community. During that time, we have accomplished many wonderful things! Our work is on-going and your membership in the VCA is important to us.

General Membership as a Canal homeowner or resident (lease of one year or more) is only $50 per year/per household. For others we offer a Friend of the Canals Membership at $25 per year/per household.

As a VCA member, you enable the VCA to continue its work to protect, preserve and enhance the quality of life in the Canals. You will receive the latest news about all our wonderful VCA projects, plus e-announcements that give you immediate notification of events affecting Venice and our unique historical Canals community.

VCA Membership Form – Print and send completed form and payment to become a member.

If you have any questions, please email us at or complete the form on our contact page.


We’re currently looking for a Social Media Manager and Treasurer.

For information about volunteering for our events and committees, please email us at or complete the form on our contact page.

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