Venice Canals Association

About the VCA

The Venice Canal Association, or VCA, is a domestic non-profit California Corporation originally organized in 1975 and incorporated on January 30, 1976 under the name: THE RESIDENT AND NON-RESIDENT PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE NORTH VENICE CANAL, INC. Such an ambitious name endeavored to convey the scope of the VCA’s membership and its goal to preserve the natural environment and beauty of the Venice Canals.

Two years later, the name was shortened to the VENICE WATERWAYS ASSOCIATION, INC. and finally, in 1986, the current name, VENICE CANALS ASSOCIATION, was adopted.

The Board consists of 11 member-elected Directors serving staggered two-year terms. General Membership is composed of a majority of the 400 property owners on the Canals but approximatly 10% of our members are “Friends of the Canals”, resident and non-residents of the Canals who simply share a love and concern for the well-being of our unique community.

Serving our Canals community for 49 years, the VCA will continue to protect and preserve this unique recreational wetland environment. 

Ongoing accomplishments by the VCA include:

  • Working to improve and protect the water quality of the entire North Venice Canals waterway system
  • Maintaining the beauty of the Canals by purchasing and replacing the Saltbush (Atriplex) plants that act as natural handrails along the sidewalk. Our Adopt-A-Plant allows residents to nurture the young bushes until they are ready for planting.
  • Planting environmentally appropriate trees in and around the Canals in conjunction with the City.
  • Designing and installing unique signage to direct residents and visitors alike who wish to enjoy the Canals. These include public signs to better protect the wildlife of the Canals; directional signs and “rules and regulations” signs for public safety and the use of the waterways.
  • Purchasing trash receptacles and arranging City trash collection.
  • Rehabilitating the children’s Linnie Canal Park and Duck Yard on Dell Avenue
  • Coordinating with the City to clean up unsightly graffiti on signs and bridge
  • Protecting and improving the water quality of the entire North Venice Canals waterway system by working with the City to install filters on storm drains that empty into the Venice Canals and drains in the access courts and parking lots adjacent to the Canals, thus minimizing intrusive contaminants.
  • Awarded matching funds from the LA Board of Public works, along with the Voice of the Canals, for a beautification effort, we chose to create a formal “gateway” at the entry into the Canals on Dell Avenue. It was here we placed the commemorative marker designating our Venice Canals an historic landmark.
  • As a result of our work to restore the Canals historically as well as environmentally, the Canals were honored to be chosen to the National Registry of Historic Places.

Our work is on-going. We look forward to many more years of serving our community and sincerely appreciate the continuing support from our members. Membership in the Venice Canals Association does make a difference.

our Board

Mark Galanty, President
Renee Kaplan, Vice President
Rita Silverman, Secretary
Monnie Fanning, Interim Treasurer
Sarah Armstrong
Ramon Goni
Dominique Hirschkron
Ricky Otterstrom
John Schacht
Linda Shusett
Destry Steffensen

Sandy Berens
Maggie Bright
CJ Cole
Bonnie Felix
Maxine Leral
Nadine Parkos
Howard Weisenfeld
Mark Woodcock

The Venice Canals Association Board meetings are normally held the first Monday of each month at the home of a Board member.

VCA Amended and Restated Bylaws (May 31, 2016)

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