Venice Canals Association



The City of Los Angeles held a public meeting on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. The following is a summary of that meeting.


The meeting was attended by about 58 community members. In addition, Venice Field Deputy Sean Silva attended as well as the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Station’s Captain.


The City of Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering is conducting a study of the four (4) Dell Ave. bridges to determine whether improvements, if any, are necessary.
This current project is for the purpose of evaluating the bridge conditions including assessment of the structures, foundations, railings and pavement; definition of the project’s purpose, need and project footprint and possible project constraints.
The city established the following actions may come from this research and public input:
• No construction necessary: nothing will be done
• Rehabilitate one or more of the bridges
• Remove and replace one, more or all the Dell Ave. bridges

We learned the Dell Ave. bridges are routinely inspected every two (2) years for structural safety. Bridge improvement projects have been considered in 2001 and 2010. The city engineers emphasized there is no immediate concern for the physical safety of the Dell Ave. Bridges.

The Improvements might include, such concepts as widening the bridges, creating pedestrian or bicycle safety areas, reducing pitch, or increasing the height of the bridge sides, updating ADA improvements, seismic improvements or aesthetic improvements, as determined from this engineering feasibility study.

It is important for the Canal residents, property owners and others to share thoughts on this potential project, as the City is seeking public input.

In addition, the City Project Consultants are open to questions and answers from the public. Contact information is provided below.

IMPORTANT: This initial Public Input will be accepted until September 26th, 2024

The city will be conducting research and evaluation on the Dell bridges with several phases.

The current phase of the project, possibly concluded around October or November 2024, is an evaluation of the bridges including bridge approaches and sidewalk connections.

• Geotechnical evaluation including seismic standings
• Structural evaluation including bridge foundations
• 3D scan and survey of bridges and roadway
• Right-of-way (property lines)
• Preliminary architectural renderings
• Structural strategy report
This phase could include boring holes in the bridge but this will not impact the structure, and they will do their best not to impact traffic flow.

The next phase is anticipated to start around July or August of 2025:
• Environmental, including an Environmental Impact Report, if required
• Design of bridges, barriers, pedestrian access, and other elements
• Accent lighting
• Consideration of sculptural/gateway Design
• Assessment of present condition
• Gathering of additional public opinion
Future phases are possible, but not detailed at this meeting

YOU MAY SUBMIT QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS UNTIL SEPTEMBER 26, 2024 to the following bridge project contacts:

Jocelyn Jiminez-De Leon at Kleinfelder Engineering, the project consultants:

Use subject line:
Dell Avenue Bridges Over Venice Canals Replacement Project Comment.

Phone: 424-259-3443


Attention: Lawrence Pickett
Bridge Improvement Division
Bureau of Engineering
Department of Public Works (Mail Stop 495-1)
1149 S. Broadway, Suite 75-0
Los Angeles CA 90015

During the Q & A period, the following were concerns and comments mentioned by attendees. If you have any additional questions, you can submit them to the contacts above.

The Bridge Project Team will hopefully provide answers to some of these questions at a later date, but if you have similar questions or concerns, please share them during public comment so they can review comments and concerns.
• Concern that investigation of the bridges will trigger requirements for issues such as ADA accessibility that are currently “grandfathered” as is.
• Importance of preserving the current look and style of the bridges, including the pitch, railing heights, etc.
• Issues related to the existing shape (arch) of the bridges and drivers’ visibility Residents’ access to their homes during assessment and /construction phases
• Issues related to thru-traffic vs. local traffic on Dell during construction
• Could this project include Dell Ave. Street pavement improvement between the bridges?
• How to access the earlier assessment reports, which are held by Caltrans.
• What are the current official weight limits of the bridges
• What are current seismic ratings of the bridges?
• Concerns over how residents will access their homes during any construction
• Concern for Canal seniors and the disabled and their ability to easily access home during any work conducted.
• Concern for how fire and police will be able to service the homes on the Islands during construction. Additional Notes and Information:
It is important to note, the engineers stated there is not currently a concern for the physical structure of the bridges. Safety concerns primarily refer to pedestrians, bicyclists, mixing with vehicles driving over the bridges.
One of the engineers in the meeting said that the bridges’ “failing grades” were due more to elements such as railings and the widths of car and pedestrian lanes than to their structural deficits, but the evaluation is intended to reveal deficiencies, if any.

Historic aspects. One of the bridge engineers assigned to the project specializes in historic structures.

The presenters mentioned their understanding of the historic nature of the bridges and said the intention was to retain the character of the bridges. They said there is a federal process to evaluate the historic aspects of an historic property, including identifying what features of the property contributed to its historic nature.

However, it is possible that the project determination could include changes to the existing bridges, and/or the current design.

A question was subsequently submitted to the engineering team asking them to clarify whether this historic-property evaluation process will definitely be included in the Dell Bridges project. It was stated this question will be part of the research process.

Funding comes from the federal Highway/Bridge program, which provides about 80% of project funding; the remaining money must come from the City of LA.

The Project would have to be prioritized by the City in order to be funded.

In addition to public comments, the Engineers and Consultants are searching for the original 1906 Dell Ave. Bridge Plans, and any PRE-1950s photos of the bridges. The engineers emphasized they do not know the details of the original construction of these bridges. They are especially interested in early first build photos. If you have access or know of the original plans, and or any early pre-1950 photos, please share this material to those listed above.

*We want to thank neighbor Susan Painter and Mark Galanty for providing their notes and summary of the meeting.

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